extraterrestrial|extraterrestrials in English


alien, life-form which did not originate on planet earth

Use "extraterrestrial|extraterrestrials" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "extraterrestrial|extraterrestrials" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "extraterrestrial|extraterrestrials", or refer to the context using the word "extraterrestrial|extraterrestrials" in the English Dictionary.

1. Contactees are people who have experienced contact with extraterrestrials.

2. Methane may have extraterrestrial significance.

3. Sasha: Extraterrestrial Biogenesist, Chief Atmospheric Engineer

4. Contactees are people who have experienced contact with extraterrestrials.

5. Sasha: Extraterrestrial Biogenesist, Chief Atmospheric Engineer

6. You make a connection with Enoch to this extraterrestrials.

7. Maybe the reason scientists have yet to receive signals from extraterrestrial intelligence is because there isn't any extraterrestrial intelligence sending signals.

8. Have an extraterrestrial being really in the world?

9. Cerise is an extraterrestrial from the Shi'ar race

10. You must understand how to discern the extraterrestrial energies.

11. Cerise is an extraterrestrial from the Shi'ar race

12. Contactees are persons who claim to have experienced contact with extraterrestrials

13. Cole claimed that governments were working with extraterrestrials to prepare for contact.

14. If you had a close encounter with an extraterrestrial.

15. These in turn tend to point to extraterrestrial phenomena.

16. Discovering just one extraterrestrial civilization would have profound significance.

17. 'Contactees' are usually those who have reported 'friendly' contact experiences with extraterrestrials

18. NASA has started a 10-year search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

19. Generally thinking, microspherulites are of both extraterrestrial and terrestrial origins.

20. That our lovely, blue planet is not a popular tourist attraction for extraterrestrials.

21. For those who hanker after extraterrestrial life that is a pity.

22. All discussions of extraterrestrial civilizations therefore have to be purely speculative.

23. In this scenario, the earth simply provided fertile ground for extraterrestrial imports.

24. And the crisis will, indeed, be brought about by extraterrestrial forces.

25. They claimed that they had been in contact with extraterrestrial beings.